Hi, my name is Helen and I’m obsessed with tropes…

Discovering patterns is a thing of human nature. It is how we track the weather, do math, and even get to work every day. The more you are immersed in an activity the more that you pick up on patterns, usually these patterns help get from point A to point B in a more timely … Continue reading Hi, my name is Helen and I’m obsessed with tropes…

Stephen (the Fairy Tale) King

Its been forty years since Stephen King wrote The Shining and thirty-seven years since the movie was released, and yet it is still a cultural monument. There are so many reasons why this novel has done well, but I’m most interested in the Gothic aspects. Specifically the Gothic readability and horror/terror produced on the page. I think that The … Continue reading Stephen (the Fairy Tale) King

The Mommy Mummy

As my graduate program finally came to a close, I figured that I should make mention of the novel which has been my albatross, The Jewel of Seven Stars. In a time where Egyptomania was all the craze, and imperialism reigned in England, Stoker penned The Jewel of Seven Stars (1903). The novel opens with the Egyptologist Abel Trelawney unconscious … Continue reading The Mommy Mummy

Heathcliff and Romeo

William Shakespeare has undoubtedly been a master adapter, and inspiration for numerous adaptations. One of the most interesting things to do is to observe the nuances that Shakespeare and his adaptations put forth. Aside from the movie adaptations, and Otway’s Caius Marius, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet can also be argued as the inspiration for a … Continue reading Heathcliff and Romeo

The Midnight Movie

“There is a place for everything and everything in its place” is a well-known aphorism that our mothers, fathers, teachers, etc have perhaps often quoted. At the essence of this quote is a nod to the need for humans to categorize and label everything. If something does not fit neatly into a preconceived little box, … Continue reading The Midnight Movie